Sunday, September 25, 2011

New Directions...

Hi Everyone! Sorry long time, no see. I guess life adjusting to a family of four has been a little busier than I thought and sadly my blog has had to be one of the things to take a back seat. But isn't this little guy worth it?! He is my little chunky monkey and I am SO in love!

I have been doing a lot less couponing as well, not because there aren't any good deals, there are always good deals but I just haven't had the motivation to go to the grocery store as much as before. I still collect and clip all my coupons but I have been trying to meal plan a little better and just go to the grocery store once per week and make my dinners based on the sale items or coupon items I get at that store. I occaisionally go out of my way for a "fabule$$" deal; like last week at Albertsons I actually had some time to do 3 transactions and get a bunch for free which was motivating but then I just didn't have time to come home and do a post about what I got!

I am thinking that if I am going to continue to blog, which I like doing, its a great outlet for me, that I may take it in a slightly new direction. I would still post about great grocery finds when I get them and those freebies we all love but I might dive into another area of my life that is frugal and actually makes me money.

For several years now I have been buying and reselling. When my daughter was born I was looking for various ways to make money for our family so that I wouldn't have to go back to work. Couponing was one and reselling my thrift store and garage sale finds on ebay was another. I did very well with reselling clothing for a decent profit for a long time and now I am starting to find other things that sell well other than clothing. My thought is to start posting some of the things I find and my adventures in thrifting and how those items end up selling. What do you think? I LOVE thrift store shopping and the way I see it is that I love to shop, I might as well make a profit on the money I spend shopping. I am going to try it out and see how it goes for the next few months; I hope its a new fun topic to blog about and you'll see me here more often!

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