Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Budget Update: What I Spent Last Week

The first week of a new plan or project is always a little trying! This past week I decided to start using the envelope system for my family's grocery budget and it went "ok". By ok, I mean that I did only spend about $40 on our groceries for the week, but we also ended up eating out a lot last week.

Here is what I spent:
Whole Foods - $23.80 (Produce, Earth's Best kid food, Pirate Booty!)
Safeway - $2.96 (Kashi Cereal & a Bounce Dryer Bar)
Albertsons - $3.49 (basic grocery needs)
First Fruits, Wenatchee - $11.00 (Peaches for Naomi and 2 Fresh Peach Shakes!)

Total: $41.25 ($1.25 Overbudget) Plus, we ate out a few times and went to the state fair, which means it was kind of a bank busting kind of week.

For a family that has NEVER used a budget for groceries before it went pretty well, but I am still trying to figure out a way for us to both eat out less and spend less on eating in and out! I am going to keep the envelope system going and see if I can hammer it out somehow. I have also challenged my husband and I to eat in for the entire week. I'll update you next week to let you know how it went!

Feel free to comment with how you did this past week!

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