So. Onto the point of my title! I was surfing Craigslist last week and came across a listing for an adult sized Beast costume from the Disney Store for $35. I checked the completeds for it and was shocked to find out that the one I was pursuing had been selling for between $100-$175! I emailed the lady and offered her $25 for the costume and asked if she'd be in my area anytime soon (because she lived more than 20 miles away from me) and that I'd be a for sure sale.
She luckily accepted my offer and told me she was going to be at a restaurant 10 min from my house for lunch yesterday so I loaded up my kiddos and met her there to buy the costume and got my husband to model it for me last night. It fit him perfectly and I almost decided to go a whole new route for our Halloween but the money was calling to me and the fact that I didn't want to have to store the gigantic costume for a year til next season!
I got an email this morning from a very nice fellow asking if I would accept his offer of the $120 and get it out in the mail today to give it one extra day to arrive in time for next week. I went back in forth in my head about whether or not I should hold out for more but he was very nice and going to use it for his daughter's 1st Halloween and I gave in and accepted! It was too large for a flat rate box, believe me I TRIED to stuff it in there but in the end it cost about $20 to ship Priority mail in a diaper box!
It's going to a good home and after my investment, shipping and all the fees (oh the FEES!) I'm netting about a $60 profit. I could have saved it for next year but I also would have risked this costume not being as popular next season and getting even less for it! I'm happy with my one last Halloween sale and my fingers are crossed that the costume will arrive in time for this guy to have a great, memorable 1st Halloween with his little girl.
My husband is going to KILL me for this pic but I had to :) Love you Hunny!
Hope you all have a wonderful Halloween!
Great sale! I sold this exact costume too earlier in the season, cannot believe I scored it NWT at a thrift for $17. Much steeper than I usually pay at the TS but I had a feeling it would be a winner. Sold for $150 to a newbie who paid immediately and left positive feedback. Gotta love Disney!